Steven Meyers

Chief Scientist, Center for Maritime and Port Studies, USF College of Marine Science

Organization: University of South Florida

Education: Ph.D., Physics, University of Texas at Austin


USF St. Petersburg Campus, MSL 140J

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Meyers is the Chief Scientist at the Center for Maritime and Port Studies at the University of South Florida, College of Marine Science. He has over two decades of experience working with estuarine circulation models and observational data. His work includes studies of ocean wind, waves, tides, currents, fresh water influences, natural and anthropogenic climate variability, and large-scale human construction. His current work includes using big data and machine learning to enhance coastal and maritime domain awareness through the use of historical and operational oceanographic data, focusing on the interaction between municipal and maritime operations with the environment.

Subject Areas:
Climate, Data Analysis/Modeling, Hydraulics, Water Resource Management

Title Sponsor(s) Dates
Understanding Risk at Wastewater Treatment Plants in Tampa Bay During Extreme High-Precipitation Events Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund 2018 - 2019 2019

Affiliated Faculty


USF St. Petersburg Campus, MSL 140J

Curriculum Vitae
