Mahmood Nachabe

Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

Organization: University of South Florida

Education: Ph.D. in Hydrological Sciences, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

(813) 974-5837

USF Tampa Campus, ENG 320

Curriculum Vitae

Before becoming a professor, Dr. Nachabe worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture on development of hydrological simulation models for semi-arid environments. At USF, he maintains an active research program focused on urban water sustainability, integrated surface subsurface hydrological modeling, and risk and stochastic analysis. Dr. Nachabe has over forty refereed journal publications in hydrology and water resources engineering, and is a contributor to the Encyclopedia of Water Science. He received a NASA National Fellowship Award to work in the hydrological science program in 2002 and in 2005 was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to UAE. He is an elected fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a licensed professional engineer in FL and CO

Subject Areas:
Ecology, Geology/Soils, Hydrology

Title Sponsor(s) Dates
From Gray to Green: Tools for Transitioning to Vegetation-Based Stormwater Management U.S. Forest Service 2015 - 2016 2016

Affiliated Faculty

(813) 974-5837

USF Tampa Campus, ENG 320

Curriculum Vitae