Environmental Education Curriculum
Feldman, A., & Nation, M. (fut.).
Environmental Education Curriculum. NY: Taylor & Francis.
UAV-based wetland monitoring : Multispectral and lidar fusion with random forest classification
Van Alphen, R.,
Rains, K.C., Rodgers, M., Malservisi, R., & Dixon, T. (2024). UAV-based wetland monitoring : Multispectral and lidar fusion with random forest classification.
8(3). doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/drones8030113
Coastal habitat monitoring has traditionally been conducted through satellite and ground-based surveys. Here the authors investigate the use of UAV-LiDAR (unoccupied aerial vehicle–light detection and ranging) and multispectral photogrammetry to study a Florida coastal wetland. These data have higher resolution than satellite-derived data and are cheaper and faster to collect compared to crewed aircraft or ground surveys.
Evidence that ericoid mycorrhizal shrubs can outcompete ectomycorrhizal trees for nitrogen in tannin-rich litter.
Rains, K.C., Bledsoe, C.S., Kraus, T.E.C., & Wurzburger, N. (2024). Evidence that ericoid mycorrhizal shrubs can outcompete ectomycorrhizal trees for nitrogen in tannin-rich litter.
15(3). doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4818
Here, we conducted two growth chamber experiments with 15N-enriched root and leaf litters to learn whether pine and vaccinium differ in litter N acquisition from these sources. Grown individually, pine and vaccinium acquired 4% of the litter N after one year. But when grown in pairs the presence of a vaccinium neighbor reduced the biomass of both species by an average of 24%, but only reduced litter N acquisition by pine (55%), demonstrating vaccinium's ability to compete with pine for litter N.
Sustaining clean cooking: A system dynamics study of Ghana's rural LPG promotion program
McAlister, M.M.,
Mihelcic, J.R., Stuart, A.L., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Sustaining clean cooking: A system dynamics study of Ghana's rural LPG promotion program.
Energy for Sustainable Development,
81(101497). doi: 10.1016/j.esd.2024.101497
System dynamics modeling was applied to investigate an LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) intervention in Ghana. Free LPG delivery resulted in limited long-term benefit and diminishing returns. Giving households two cylinders instead of one raised potential for primary LPG use. Quick perception of the benefits of LPG may contribute to sustained LPG use.
Environmental Research Addressing Sustainable Development Goals
Mihelcic, J.R., et al. (2023). Environmental Research Addressing Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(9), 3457-3460. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c01070
This special "virtual issue" has selected articles that were published from 2019 to the present. They showcase research that has accelerated progress on one or more Sustainable Development Goals, demonstrate the journals’ multidisciplinary and diverse audience, and support international collaborations and relationships. Thirty-eight papers are included in the Virtual Issue.
Reductions in children’s blood lead levels from a drinking-water intervention in Madagascar, Sub-Saharan Africa
Buerck, A. M., Khaliq, M., Alfredo, K., Cunningham, J. A., Barrett, L.J.P., Rakotondrazaka, R., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2023). Reductions in children’s blood lead levels from a drinking-water intervention in Madagascar, Sub-Saharan Africa.
Environmental Science & Technology,
57(43), 16309-16316. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c03774
This study investigates the importance of lead exposure from the water supply through a case study in Toamasina, Madagascar. The project measured aqueous lead and BLL of children pre- and postremediation efforts (i.e., removal of leaded pump components in hand pumps) to verify the impact of aqueous lead exposure within this community.
Forensic Wetland and Deepwater Habitat Mapping for Setting Pre-development Conditions
Lawlor, S., Rains, K.C.,
Landry, S.M., & Rains, M.C. (2023). Forensic Wetland and Deepwater Habitat Mapping for Setting Pre-development Conditions.
Wetland Science & Practice,
41(4), 234-240.
Mapping historical wetlands and deepwater habitats is challenging due to the difficulty of obtaining sufficient, spatially explicit data on conditions prior to the middle of the 20th century. We overcame this by using Public Land Survey System data and other ancillary historical data to map mainland St. Lucie County, Florida, habitats in the 1850s. The result shows that PLSS data, combined with other ancillary historical data, can make maps more accurate and trustworthy.
Reorganizing the Waterscape: Asymmetric Loss of Wetlands and Gain of Artificial Water Features in a Mixed-use Watershed
Rains, M.C., Schmidt, K.,
Landry, S.M., Kleindl, W.J., & Rains, K.C. (2023). Reorganizing the Waterscape: Asymmetric Loss of Wetlands and Gain of Artificial Water Features in a Mixed-use Watershed.
43(91). doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-023-01732-0
Between the 1780s and 1980s, more than half of the wetlands in the conterminous US were lost. As they have been lost, numerous artificial water features (AWFs), such as stormwater retention ponds, golf course water features, and reservoirs, have been constructed. We contrasted the loss of wetland area/perimeter to the gain of AWF area/perimeter in the Tampa Bay area and further explored how this transformation has altered the spatial characteristics of the waterscape.
Mapping Groundwater Recharge Potential in High Latitude Landscapes Using Public Data, Remote Sensing, and Analytic Hierarchy Process
Guerrón-Orejuela, E.J., Rains, K.C., Brigino, T.M., Kleindl, W.J.,
Landry, S.M., Spellman, P., Walker, C.M., & Rains, M.C. (2023). Mapping Groundwater Recharge Potential in High Latitude Landscapes Using Public Data, Remote Sensing, and Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Remote Sensing,
15(2630). doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15102630
Understanding where recharge occurs is essential for managing groundwater resources. This can be difficult in remote landscapes where access and data availability are limited. We developed a groundwater recharge potential (GWRP) map across such a landscape based on 6 readily available datasets: precipitation, geology, soil texture, slope, drainage density, and land cover, using field observations, community knowledge, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process to rank and weight the spatial datasets.
Rural Sanitation Sustainability Dynamics: Gaining Insight through Participatory and Simulation Modeling
McAlister, M.M., Namakula, P., Annis, J.,
Mihelcic, J.R., & Zhang, Q. (2023). Rural Sanitation Sustainability Dynamics: Gaining Insight through Participatory and Simulation Modeling.
Environmental Science & Technology,
58(1), 400-409. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c09101
Study participants, 37 sanitation actors in three rural districts, were engaged in interviews, group model building workshops, and a survey. The resulting model was parametrized and calibrated using publicly available data and data collected through the Uganda Sanitation for Health Activity. The simulations revealed slippage from improved sanitation in all study districts, a behavior reflected in real interventions.
City of Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis 2021 (lowres)
Landry, S.,
Koeser, A.,
Zarger, R.,
Rib, K., Allyson Salisbury, Northrop, R.J.,
Andreu, M.,
Bednar, A., &
Freeman, Z. (2023).
City of Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis 2021 (lowres).
This report summarizes the fourth tree canopy and urban forest analysis conducted for the City of Tampa and represents the year 2021. The City of Tampa tree ordinance (Ord. No. 2006-74, § 9, 3-23-06) requires an assessment of the tree canopy and urban forest every five years (beginning in 2006).
City of Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis 2021 (hires)
Landry, S.,
Koeser, A.,
Zarger, R.,
Rib, K., Allyson Salisbury, Northrop, R.J.,
Andreu, M.,
Bednar, A., &
Freeman, Z. (2023).
City of Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis 2021 (hires).
This report summarizes the fourth tree canopy and urban forest analysis conducted for the City of Tampa and represents the year 2021. The City of Tampa tree ordinance (Ord. No. 2006-74, § 9, 3-23-06) requires an assessment of the tree canopy and urban forest every five years (beginning in 2006).
Hydrologic Connectivity and Flow Generation from California Vernal Pool, Swale, and Headwater Stream Complexes to Downstream Waters
Stepchinski, L.M., Rains, M.C., Lee, L.C., Lis, R.A., Nutter, W.L.,
Rains, K.C., & Stewart, S.R. (2023). Hydrologic Connectivity and Flow Generation from California Vernal Pool, Swale, and Headwater Stream Complexes to Downstream Waters.
43(34). doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-023-01678-3
Flow analysis of vernal pool, swale, and headwater stream complexes in the Central Valley, California suggests these systems can be significant sources of streamflow and therefore play an important role in maintaining the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of downstream waters, which has important implications for the definition of waters of the United States subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act.
Using remote sensing and machine learning to locate groundwater discharge to salmon-bearing streams
Gerlach, M.E., Rains, K.C., Guerrón, E.J., Kleindl, W.J., Downs, J.,
Landry, S.M., & Rains, M.C. (2022).
Using remote sensing and machine learning to locate groundwater discharge to salmon-bearing streams. . doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010063
Journal Article
City of Venice Tree Canopy Analysis 2020
This report uses mapping results to assess the state of urban tree canopy. First, aerial imagery from 2010 and 2020 was used to determine loss/gain of tree canopy. Second, an Urban Tree Canopy map was created from 2020 aerial imagery and LiDAR to show distribution of tree canopy, grass/shrubs and other land cover classes. Additional analysis was performed to estimate potential urban heat mitigation, stormwater runoff reduction, and tree-related sources of storm damage.
Advancing Knowledge to Reduce Lead Exposure of Children in Data Poor Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Champion, W.M., Khaliq, M., &
Mihelcic, J.R. . (2022). Advancing Knowledge to Reduce Lead Exposure of Children in Data Poor Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Environmental Science & Technology Letters,
9(11), 879-888. doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c006
Champion, W.M. Khaliq, M., Mihelcic, J.R. , , 9(11):, .
Meeting the Water and Sanitation Challenges of Underbounded Communities in the U.S.
Wells, E. C., Vidmar, A. M., Webb, W. A., Ferguson, A. C., Verbyla, M. E., de los Reyes III, F. L., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2022). Meeting the Water and Sanitation Challenges of Underbounded Communities in the U.S.
Environmental Science & Technology,
56(16), 11180-11188. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c03076
This Perspective identifies the range of water and sanitation challenges faced by residents in these communities. We argue that future investment in water and sanitation should prioritize these communities and that interventions need to be culturally context sensitive. As such, approaches to address these problems must not only be technical but also social and give attention to the unique geographic and political setting of local infrastructures.
Systems thinking for effective interventions in global environmental health
McAlister, M.M., Zhang, Q., Annis, J., Schweitzer, R.W., Guidotti, S., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2022). Systems thinking for effective interventions in global environmental health.
Environmental Science & Technology,
56(2), 732-738. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04110
There is a need and an opportunity to engage in critical reflection of the dominant paradigms in the global environmental health community, including how they affect decision-making and collective learning. These paradigms should be adapted as needed toward the integration of diverse perspectives and the uptake of systems thinking. Participatory modeling, complexity-aware monitoring, and virtual simulation modeling can help achieve this.
Health and economic consequences of lead exposure associated with products and services provided by the informal economy
Buerck, A. M., Usowicz, M., Cunningham, J.A., Khaliq, M., Barrett, L.J.P., Rakotoarisoa, L., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2021). Health and economic consequences of lead exposure associated with products and services provided by the informal economy.
Environmental Science & Technology,
55(12), 8362-8370. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c08127
A systems approach to analyzing food, energy, and water uses of a multifunctional crop: A review
Gebrai, Y.,
Ghebremichael, K., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2021). A systems approach to analyzing food, energy, and water uses of a multifunctional crop: A review.
Science of The Total Environment,
791(148254). doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148254
Moringa oleifera was selected to show a multifunctional crop's Food-Energy-Water nexus. The use of a “Success to the Successful” archetype characterized competing leaf and seed yields. Causal loop diagrams provide a useful tool for mapping multifunctionality. Management of multifunctional crops can benefit from a systems approach. Similar approaches can be adopted to maximize benefits to livelihoods.
Authentic Science and Engineering with Biosand Filters for Water Purification
Alsultan, J., Rice, M.,
Feldman, A., Nkrumah, T., Kenney, I.A., Yang, X, Navarro-O’Hara, M.,
Ergas, S.J., &
Ghebremichael, K. (2021). Authentic Science and Engineering with Biosand Filters for Water Purification.
The Science Teacher,
Environmental Education in the Secondary Science Classroom: How Teachers’ Beliefs Influence Their Instruction of Climate Change
Nation, M., &
Feldman, A. (2021). Environmental Education in the Secondary Science Classroom: How Teachers’ Beliefs Influence Their Instruction of Climate Change.
Journal of Science Teacher Education,
. doi: 10.1080/1046560X.2020.1854968
The Problematic Use of Urban, Suburban and Rural in Science Education
Bradley, F., &
Feldman, A. (2021). The Problematic Use of Urban, Suburban and Rural in Science Education.
Cultural Studies of Science Education,
Hydrological and Water Quality Trends through the Lenses of Historical Operation Schedules in Lake Okeechobee
Tarabih, O., &
Arias, M.E. (2021). Hydrological and Water Quality Trends through the Lenses of Historical Operation Schedules in Lake Okeechobee.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,
. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001395
Wood and sulfur-1 based cyclic denitrification filters for treatment of saline wastewaters
He, Q., Dasi, E., Cheng, Z., Talla, E., Main, K., Feng, C., &
Ergas, S.J. (2021). Wood and sulfur-1 based cyclic denitrification filters for treatment of saline wastewaters.
Bioresource Technology,
328(12848). doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.124848
Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design. 3rd Edition.
Mihelcic, J.R., & Zimmerman, J.B. (2021).
Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design. 3rd Edition.. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Primary sludge fermentate as carbon source for mainstream partial denitrification - anammox (PdNA)
Priyanka, A., Zalivina, N., Le, T., Riffat, R.,
Ergas, S.J., Wett, B., Murthy, S., Al-Omari, A., DeBarbadillo, C., Bott, C., & De Clippeleir, H. (2020). Primary sludge fermentate as carbon source for mainstream partial denitrification - anammox (PdNA).
Water Environment Research,
2020, 1-16. doi: 10.1002/wer.1492
, , 2020:1-16.
A sulfur-based cyclic denitrification filter for marine recirculating aquaculture systems
He, Q., Cheng, Z., Zhang, D., Main, K., Feng, C., &
Ergas, S.J. (2020). A sulfur-based cyclic denitrification filter for marine recirculating aquaculture systems.
Bioresource Technology,
Biochar amendment of stormwater bioretention systems for nitrogen and Escherichia coli removal: Effect of hydraulic loading rates and antecedent dry periods
Rahman, M.Y.A., Nachabe, M., &
Ergas, S.J. (2020). Biochar amendment of stormwater bioretention systems for nitrogen and Escherichia coli removal: Effect of hydraulic loading rates and antecedent dry periods.
Bioresource Technology,
310(123428). doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123428
Evaluating the potential for autonomous measurements of net community production and calcification as a tool for monitoring coral restoration
Platz, M., Takeshita, Y., Bartels, E., &
Arias, M.E. (2020). Evaluating the potential for autonomous measurements of net community production and calcification as a tool for monitoring coral restoration.
Ecological Engineering,
. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.106042
Effects of hydrodynamics on the cross-sectional distribution and transport of plastic in an urban coastal river
Haberstroh, C.J.,
Arias, M.E., Yin, Z., & Wang, M. C. (2020). Effects of hydrodynamics on the cross-sectional distribution and transport of plastic in an urban coastal river.
Water Environment Research,
93(2), 186-200. doi: 10.1002/wer.1386
Paleolimnological assessment of six lakes on the Kissimmee Chain, with implications for restoration of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades System, Florida USA
Whitmore, T.J.,
Riedinger-Whitmore, M.A., Reed, Z.E., Curtis, J.H., Yang, H., Evans, D.E., Cropper, N.R., Alvarado, K.S., Lauterman, F.M., Scott, A., Leonard, C.R., & Franklin, D.L. (2020). Paleolimnological assessment of six lakes on the Kissimmee Chain, with implications for restoration of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades System, Florida USA.
Lake and Reservoir Management,
36(3), 205-209. doi: 10.1080/10402381.2020.1785064
A Techno-Economic Process Model for Pressure Retarded Osmosis based Energy Recovery in Desalination Plants
Benjamin, J.,
Arias, M.E., & Zhang, Q. (2020). A Techno-Economic Process Model for Pressure Retarded Osmosis based Energy Recovery in Desalination Plants.
476. doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2019.114218
Moving up the Sanitation Ladder while Considering Function: An Assessment of Indigenous Communities, Pit Latrine Users, and Their Perceptions of Resource-recovery Sanitation Technology in Panama
Libby, J.,
Wells, C.E., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2020). Moving up the Sanitation Ladder while Considering Function: An Assessment of Indigenous Communities, Pit Latrine Users, and Their Perceptions of Resource-recovery Sanitation Technology in Panama.
Environmental Science & Technology,
54(23), 15405-15413. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c04120
Exposing the myths of household water insecurity in the global north: A critical review
Meehan, K., Jepson, W., Harris, L.M., Wutich, A., Beresford, M., Fencl, A., London, J., Pierce, G., Radonic, L.,
Wells, E.C., Wilson, N.J., Adams, E.A., Arsenault, R., Brewis, A., Harrington, V., Lambrinidou, Y., McGregor, D., Patrick, R., Pauli, B., Pearson, A.L., Shah, S., Splichalova, D., Workman, C., & Young, S. (2020). Exposing the myths of household water insecurity in the global north: A critical review.
WIREs Water,
7(6). doi: 10.1002/wat2.1486
Degenerate PCR Primers for Assays to Track Steps of Nitrogen Metabolism by Taxonomically Diverse Microorganisms in a Variety of Environments
Keely, R.F., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L.C., Briggs, G., Frazier, V.E., Mancera, P.A., Manzer, H.S.,
Ergas, S.J., & Scott, K.M. (2020). Degenerate PCR Primers for Assays to Track Steps of Nitrogen Metabolism by Taxonomically Diverse Microorganisms in a Variety of Environments.
Microbiological Methods,
175(105990). doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2020.105990
Treatment of Winery Wastewater Using a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland with Adsorption Media,
Skornia, K., Safferman, S., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L., &
Ergas, S.J. (2020). Treatment of Winery Wastewater Using a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland with Adsorption Media,.
Applied Sciences,
10(1063). doi: 10.3390/app10031063
Comparative environmental and economic life cycle assessment of high solids anaerobic co-digestion for biosolids and organic waste management
Lee, E., Oliveira, D.S.B.L., Oliveira, L.S.B.L., Jimenez, E., Kim, Y., Wang, M.,
Ergas, S.J., &
Zhang, Q. (2020). Comparative environmental and economic life cycle assessment of high solids anaerobic co-digestion for biosolids and organic waste management.
Water Research,
2019(115443). doi: 10.1016/j.watres
Long-Term Field Performance of a Conventional and Modified Bioretention System for Removing Dissolved Nitrogen Species in Stormwater Runoff
Lopez-Ponnada, E.V., Lynn, T.,
Ergas, S.J., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2020). Long-Term Field Performance of a Conventional and Modified Bioretention System for Removing Dissolved Nitrogen Species in Stormwater Runoff.
Water Research,
170(1). doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.115336
A Pilot-Scale Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment System (HABiTS) for Nitrogen Removal in Onsite Wastewater Treatment
Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L., Miriyala, A., Rice, M., Delgado, D., Marshall, J., Henderson, M.,
Ghebremichael, K.,
Mihelcic, J.R., &
Ergas, S.J. (2020). A Pilot-Scale Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment System (HABiTS) for Nitrogen Removal in Onsite Wastewater Treatment.
Sustainable Water in the Built Environment,
6(1). doi: 10.1061/JSWBAY.0000898
Sanitation and Disease in the 21st Century: Health and Microbiological Aspects of Excreta and Wastewater Management
Mihelcic, J.R. (ed.). (2020).
Sanitation and Disease in the 21st Century: Health and Microbiological Aspects of Excreta and Wastewater Management.
This online book is the key reference for developing quantitative guidance for sanitation practices including defining safe/unsafe activities, evaluating low technology treatment and disposal options and addressing adequate controls for protecting health. It has played a key role in preventing water-related diseases by documenting scientific knowledge about pathogens in the water environment. Dr. Mihelcic served as a co-editor for all 16 sanitation technology chapters.
SEACAR Data Discovery Interface (DDI) website
(2019). SEACAR Data Discovery Interface (DDI) website.
The Statewide Ecosystem Assessment of Coastal and Aquatic Resources (SEACAR) is a collaboration between natural resource managers, data providers, researchers and partners to use ecological indicators to better understand the status of aquatic resources throughout the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection's Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection managed areas. This website allows SEACAR collaborators to share data, documentation, and other information.
Biogas production from high solids anaerobic co-digestion of food waste, yard waste and waste activated sludge
Lee, E., Bittencourt, P., Casimir, L., Jimenez, E., Wang, M.,
Zhang, Q., &
Ergas, S.J. (2019). Biogas production from high solids anaerobic co-digestion of food waste, yard waste and waste activated sludge.
Waste Management,
95, 432-439. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.06.033
Wastewater Technopolitics on the Southern Coast of Belize
Wells, E.C., Webb, W.A., Prouty, C.M.,
Zarger, R.K.,
Trotz, M.A., Whiteford, L.M., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2019). Wastewater Technopolitics on the Southern Coast of Belize.
Economic Anthropology,
6(2), 277-290. doi: 10.1002/sea2.12145
Conspicuous reserves: Ideologies of water consumption and the performance of class
O'Leary, Heather. (2019). Conspicuous reserves: Ideologies of water consumption and the performance of class.
Economic Anthropology,
6(2), 195-207. doi: 10.1002/sea2.12150
Cyanobacterial influence on diatom community lifeform dynamics in shallow subtropical lakes of Florida USA
Whitmore, T.J.,
Riedinger-Whitmore, M.A., Lauterman, F.M., & Curtis, J.H. (2018). Cyanobacterial influence on diatom community lifeform dynamics in shallow subtropical lakes of Florida USA.
60, 223-246. doi: 10.1007/s10933-018-0018-z
State of the Urban Forest Public Presentation (March 26, 2018)
Northrop, R.J.,
Koeser, A.K., &
Landry, S. (2018).
State of the Urban Forest Public Presentation (March 26, 2018).
The City conducted its first tree canopy analysis in 2006 and is required by City Ordinance to conduct an analysis and comparison every five years. This presentation discusses highlights from a study of area tree coverage, conducted by the City, the University of South Florida, the University of Florida and the UF-IFA/Hillsborough county Extension Service. Information from the report will allow the City to develop management strategies to maintain a sustainable tree canopy for the future.
Tennessee-Kentucky Plant Atlas
(2018). Tennessee-Kentucky Plant Atlas.
The TN-KY Plant Atlas is a resource for anyone interested in the vascular plants of Tennessee and Kentucky. It is designed to be a comprehensive database for plant data useful to plant enthusiasts, hobbyists, professionals, conservation workers, decision makers, and students and teachers of all levels.
Tampa Tree Canopy and Land Cover Interactive Map
Tree canopy cover is an important measure of the amount of area and locations which are directly and indirectly influenced by trees, which provide many benefits, or ecosystem services, to communities. The distribution of tree canopy is a useful indicator of where these benefits occur within the city. Tree canopy measurements are commonly used to assist with the development and monitoring of urban tree management policies.
Nitrogen load model for a denitrifying stormwater biofiltration system using SWMM5
Lynn, T.J., Nachabe, M.H., & Ergas, S.J. (2018). Nitrogen load model for a denitrifying stormwater biofiltration system using SWMM5. Sustainable Water and the Built Environment, 4(1). doi: 10.1061/JSWBAY.0000844
2016 Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis (lowres)
Landry, S.,
Koeser, A.K., Northrop, R.J., McLean, D., Donovan, G.,
Andreu, M.G., &
Hilbert, D. (2018).
2016 Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis (lowres).
This report describes the state of the City of Tampa's urban forest in 2016 and evaluates some of its economic, social, and environmental values. It is designed to help the City to measure its progress, identify confounding issues, and make operational and policy adjustments, as it strives to implement its Urban Forest Management Plan.
2016 Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis (hires)
Landry, S.,
Koeser, A.K., Northrop, R.J., McLean, D., Donovan, G.,
Andreu, M.G., &
Hilbert, D. (2018).
2016 Tampa Tree Canopy and Urban Forest Analysis (hires).
This report describes the state of the City of Tampa's urban forest in 2016 and evaluates some of its economic, social, and environmental values. It is designed to help the City to measure its progress, identify confounding issues, and make operational and policy adjustments, as it strives to implement its Urban Forest Management Plan.
Pluralizing Science for Inclusive Water Governance: An engaged ethnographic approach to WaSH data collection in Delhi, India
O'Leary, Heather. (2018). Pluralizing Science for Inclusive Water Governance: An engaged ethnographic approach to WaSH data collection in Delhi, India.
Case Studies in the Environment,
. doi: 10.1525/cse.2017.000810
Epistemological Undercurrents: Delhi’s Water Crisis and the Role of the Urban Water Poor
O'Leary, Heather. (2017). Epistemological Undercurrents: Delhi’s Water Crisis and the Role of the Urban Water Poor.
Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia: Epistemologies, Practices, and Locales,
, 154-168. doi: 10.4324/9781315543161
Concept Inventory (CI) for Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering Courses: Findings from CI Development and Testing
Sengupta, S., & Ergas, S.J. (2017). Concept Inventory (CI) for Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering Courses: Findings from CI Development and Testing. Environmental Engineering Science, 34(12), 895-907.
Effect of oyster shell medium and organic substrate on the performance of a particulate pyrite autotrophic denitrification (PPAD) process
Tong, S., Stocks, J.L., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L.C., Feng, C., & Ergas, S. (2017). Effect of oyster shell medium and organic substrate on the performance of a particulate pyrite autotrophic denitrification (PPAD) process. Bioresource Technology, 244, 296-303.
Cost-Effective Treatment of Swine Wastes through Recovery of Energy and Nutrients
Amini, A., Aponte-Morales, V.A., Wang, M., Dilbeck, M.P., Lahav, O., Zhang, Q., Cunningham J.A., & Ergas, S. (2017). Cost-Effective Treatment of Swine Wastes through Recovery of Energy and Nutrients. Waste Management, 69(2017), 508-517. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2017.08.041
Application of denitrifying wood chip bioreactors for management of residential non-point sources of nitrogen
Lopez-Ponnada, E.V., Lynn, T.J., Peterson, M., Ergas, S.J., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2017). Application of denitrifying wood chip bioreactors for management of residential non-point sources of nitrogen.
Biological Engineering,
11(16). doi: 10.1186/s13036-017-0057-4
Modelling shortcut nitrogen removal from wastewater using an algal-bacterial consortium
Arashiro, L.T., Rada-Ariza, A.M., Wang, M., van der Steen, P., & Ergas, S.J. (2017). Modelling shortcut nitrogen removal from wastewater using an algal-bacterial consortium. Water Science & Technology, 75(4), 782-792.
Comparison of Particulate Pyrite Autotrophic Denitrification (PPAD) and Sulfur Oxidizing Denitrification (SOD) for Treatment of Nitrified Wastewater
Tong, S., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L.C., Feng, C., & Ergas, S.J. (2017). Comparison of Particulate Pyrite Autotrophic Denitrification (PPAD) and Sulfur Oxidizing Denitrification (SOD) for Treatment of Nitrified Wastewater. Water Science & Technology, 75(1), 239-246.
Modeling Denitrifying Stormwater Biofilters Using SWMM-5
Lynn, T.J., Nachabe, M., & Ergas, S.J. (2017). Modeling Denitrifying Stormwater Biofilters Using SWMM-5. Environmental Engineering, 143(7). doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001209
Accelerating Innovation that Enhances Resource Recovery in the Wastewater Sector: Advancing a National Testbed Network
Mihelcic, J.R. (2017). Accelerating Innovation that Enhances Resource Recovery in the Wastewater Sector: Advancing a National Testbed Network.
Environmental Science & Technology,
51, 7749-7758. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05917
This research examines significant challenges and opportunities to spur innovation and accelerate adoption of reliable technologies that enhance integrated resource recovery in the wastewater sector through the creation of a national testbed network. It summarizes and extracts key issues and developments, to provide a strategy for the wastewater sector to accelerate a path forward that leads to new sustainable water infrastructures.
Urban Forest Ecological Analysis
Andreu, M.G., Fox, D.,
Landry, S.M., Zipperer, W., & Hament, C. (2017).
Urban Forest Ecological Analysis. Gainesville, FL: City of Gainesville.
The Importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Agro-ecological Systems in Peru
Saylor, C.,
Alsharif, K., & Torres, H. (2017). The Importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Agro-ecological Systems in Peru.
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management,
13, 150-161.
The Grandest Challenge of All: The Role of Environmental Engineering to Achieve Sustainability in the World’s Developing Regions
Mihelcic, J.R., Naughton, C.C., Verbyla, M.E., Zhang, Q., Oakley, S.M., Schweitzer, R.W., Wells, E.C., & Whiteford, L.M. (2017). The Grandest Challenge of All: The Role of Environmental Engineering to Achieve Sustainability in the World’s Developing Regions.
Environmental Engineering Science,
34(1). doi: 10.1089/ees.2015.0334
How Does Scale of Implementation Impact the Environmental Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment Integrated with Resource Recovery?
Cornejo, P.K., Zhang, Q., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2016). How Does Scale of Implementation Impact the Environmental Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment Integrated with Resource Recovery?
Environmental Science & Technology,
50(13), 6680-6689.
Managing Microbial Risks from Indirect Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation in Urbanizing Watersheds
Verbyla, M.E., Symonds, E.M., Kafle, R.C., Cairns, M.C., Iriarte, M., Guzman, M., Coronado, O., Breitbart, M., Ledo, C., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2016). Managing Microbial Risks from Indirect Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation in Urbanizing Watersheds.
Environmental Science & Technology,
50(13), 6803-6813.
Between stagnancy and affluence: Reinterpreting water poverty and domestic flows in Delhi, India
O'Leary, Heather. (2016). Between stagnancy and affluence: Reinterpreting water poverty and domestic flows in Delhi, India.
Society & Natural Resources,
29(6), 639-653. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1150534
Landscaping practices, community perceptions, and social indicators for stormwater nonpoint source pollution management
Persaud, A.,
Alsharif, K., Monaghan, P., Akiwumi, F., Morera, M., & Ott, E. (2016). Landscaping practices, community perceptions, and social indicators for stormwater nonpoint source pollution management.
Sustainable Cities and Society,
27, 377-385.
Florida Preservation Atlas
(2016). Florida Preservation Atlas.
This website is a directory of preservation sites, including historic districts and historic landmarks.
Reflecting on Resilience in Broward County, Florida: A Newspaper Content Analysis About Hurricane Wilma Recovery
Torres, H., &
Alsharif, K. (2016). Reflecting on Resilience in Broward County, Florida: A Newspaper Content Analysis About Hurricane Wilma Recovery.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,
19, 36-46.
Florida Species and Habitat Monitoring Programs Catalog (Terra-CAT)
(2016). Florida Species and Habitat Monitoring Programs Catalog (Terra-CAT).
The Florida Species and Habitat Monitoring Programs Catalog, also known as Terra-CAT, is a searchable database of metadata about monitoring that supports research and management of Florida habitats and species, especially Species of Greatest Conservation Need. It is designed to assist Florida’s Wildlife Legacy Initiative by providing information necessary for adaptive management and addressing the Species and Habitat Monitoring Objective of improving species and habitat monitoring systems.
Defluoridation of groundwater using granular aluminum-coated bauxite: Optimization of synthesis process conditions and equilibrium study
Salifua, A., Petrusevski, P., Mwampashia, E.S., Pazia, I.A.,
Ghebremichael, K., Buamah, R., Aubryd, C., Amy, G.L., & Kenedy, M.D. (2016). Defluoridation of groundwater using granular aluminum-coated bauxite: Optimization of synthesis process conditions and equilibrium study.
Journal of Environmental Management,
118, 108-117.
Integrated Water Resources Management
Ghebremichael, K., Eckart, J., Khatri, K., & Vairavamoorthy, K. (2015).
Integrated Water Resources Management. New York: Routledge.
"Chapter 4: Pathways to Water Security" Securing Water, Sustaining Growth: Report of the GWP/OECD Task Force on Water Security and Sustainable Growth
Garrick, Dustin and O'Leary, Heather. (2015).
"Chapter 4: Pathways to Water Security" Securing Water, Sustaining Growth: Report of the GWP/OECD Task Force on Water Security and Sustainable Growth. Oxford: University of Oxford.
Producing Middle-Class Waterscapes Beyond Middle-Class Thresholds: Domestic Workers and Identity Expression through Water Allocation in Lower-Class Delhi, India
O'Leary, Heather. (2015).
Producing Middle-Class Waterscapes Beyond Middle-Class Thresholds: Domestic Workers and Identity Expression through Water Allocation in Lower-Class Delhi, India. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability
Stratton, S., Hagevik, R.,
Feldman, A., & Bloom, M. (2015).
Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability. Springer.
Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Methods in Identifying Urban Tree Species with WorldView-2 Imagery
Pu, R.,
Landry, S.M., & Jingcheng, Z. (2015). Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Methods in Identifying Urban Tree Species with WorldView-2 Imagery.
Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,
8(5), 1886-1897.
Mangrove and Mangrove-Fringe Wetlands in Ostional, Nicaragua: Current Conditions and Pathways Forward
Rains, K.C., & Rains, M.C. (2015). Mangrove and Mangrove-Fringe Wetlands in Ostional, Nicaragua: Current Conditions and Pathways Forward. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida.
Lead (Pb) Contamination of Self-Supply Groundwater Systems in Coastal Madagascar and Predictions of Blood Lead Levels in Exposed Children
Akers, D.B., MacCarthy, M.F., Cunningham, J.A., Annis, J., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2015). Lead (Pb) Contamination of Self-Supply Groundwater Systems in Coastal Madagascar and Predictions of Blood Lead Levels in Exposed Children.
Environmental Science & Technology,
49(5), 2685-2693.
Mapping Forest Leaf Area Index Using Reflectance and Textural Information Derived from WorldView-2 Imagery in a Mixed Natural Forest Area in Florida, USA
Pu, R., & Cheng, J. (2015). Mapping Forest Leaf Area Index Using Reflectance and Textural Information Derived from WorldView-2 Imagery in a Mixed Natural Forest Area in Florida, USA. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 42, 11-23.
Impact of incomplete mixing in the prediction of chlorine residuals in municipal water distribution systems
Mompremier, R., Fuentes Mariles, O.A., Pelletier G., &
Ghebremichael, K. (2015). Impact of incomplete mixing in the prediction of chlorine residuals in municipal water distribution systems.
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology- AQUA,
64(8), 904-914.
Geographically isolated wetlands: rethinking a misnomer
Mushet, D.M., Calhoun, A.J.K., Alexander, L.C., Cohen, M.J., DeKeyser, E.S., Fowler, L., Lane, C.R., Lang, M.W., & Walls, S.C. (2015). Geographically isolated wetlands: rethinking a misnomer. Wetlands, 35(3), 423-431. doi: 10.1007/s13157-015- 0631-9
Assessment of a Countywide Stormwater Pond Improvement Program
Betts, A., &
Alsharif, K. (2014). Assessment of a Countywide Stormwater Pond Improvement Program.
Urban Water Journal,
11(1), 11-19. doi: 10.1080/1573062X.2012.750370
Estimating greenhouse gas emissions for water reuse and desalination facilities
Cornejo, P.K., Santana, M.V.E., Hokanson, D.R.,
Mihelcic, J.R., & Zhang, Q. (2014). Estimating greenhouse gas emissions for water reuse and desalination facilities.
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination,
4(4), 238-252.
City of Tampa Urban Forest Management, Monitoring and Policy
Landry, S.M., Andreu, M.G., Northrop, R.J., & Beck, K. (2014). City of Tampa Urban Forest Management, Monitoring and Policy.
Florida Geographer,
45, 44-62.
Tidal Stream Assessment Report for Southwest Florida
(2014). Tidal Stream Assessment Report for Southwest Florida.
The Water Institute tasks included bathymetric mapping, vegetation surveys and habitat assessment. These tasks served as a foundation for anticipated sampling tasks involved in a wider study by other organizations which was to include fish sampling, benthic chlorophyll sampling, macroinvertebrate sampling and water quality sampling.
Catalog of Florida Monitoring Programs ("Water-CAT")
(2014). Catalog of Florida Monitoring Programs ("Water-CAT").
This online, searchable database answers the questions "who, what, where, when and why?" for water resource managers, researchers and citizens. It contains "metadata" acquired directly from organizations performing water resource monitoring, or indirectly via regulatory agencies that receive routine submissions of monitoring data. The primary goal of the project is to make it easier for water resource managers to coordinate their efforts and share information.
Indiana Plant Atlas
(2014). Indiana Plant Atlas.
The Indiana Plant Atlas is a botany resource for plant enthusiasts, professionals, students and teachers. The IPA is a joint effort by the Indiana Herbarium Consortium and Butler University to provide users with a comprehensive searchable database of plants that occur growing outside of cultivation in Indiana.
A Case Study of Enteric Virus Removal and Insights into the Associated Risk of Water Reuse for Two Wastewater Treatment Pond systems in Bolivia
Symonds, E.M., Verbyla, M.E., Kafle, R.C., Lukasik, J.O., Breitbart, M., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2014). A Case Study of Enteric Virus Removal and Insights into the Associated Risk of Water Reuse for Two Wastewater Treatment Pond systems in Bolivia.
Water Research,
62, 257-270. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.07.032
Two wastewater treatment pond systems in Bolivia, with similar overall hydraulic retention times but different first stages of treatment, were analyzed for enteric virus removal. One system consisted of a facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds and the other consisted of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor followed by two maturation ponds. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and cell culture methods were used to compare the concentration of viruses in each.
City of Tampa 2011 Urban Forest Analysis: The Structure, Composition, Function and Economic Benefits of Trees and the Urban Forest. Final Report to the City of Tampa, September 2013
Landry, S.M., Andreu, M.G., Northrop, R.J., & Rhodes, C.C. (2013).
City of Tampa 2011 Urban Forest Analysis: The Structure, Composition, Function and Economic Benefits of Trees and the Urban Forest. Final Report to the City of Tampa, September 2013. Tampa, FL: City of Tampa.
The City of Tampa Urban Ecological Assessment provides a detailed scientific look into the economic and ecological values of the City of Tampa’s urban forest. This report provides detailed information about the distribution of Tampa’s tree canopy cover, results of extensive field sampling that describe forest composition, structure and health, and model results that quantify the economic benefits and ecosystem services provided by Tampa’s urban forest.
City of Tampa Urban Forest Management Plan
Northrop, R.J., Beck, K., Irving, R.,
Landry, S.M., & Andreu, M.G. (2013).
City of Tampa Urban Forest Management Plan. Tampa, FL: City of Tampa.
This strategic plan for the management of Tampa’s urban forest addresses the numerous challenges to growing and maintaining a healthy urban forest in an efficient
manner. It was developed with a 20-year planning horizon to meets the challenge of programmatic continuity by planning on a long time framework. It provides guidance for intermediate 5-year city-wide work planning as well as direct input into short-term annual departmental operational plans and decision-making.
Tampa Tree Map Website
(2013). Tampa Tree Map Website.
TampaTreeMap is a web-based map and database that enables everyone to collaboratively create an accurate and informative inventory of the trees in the City of Tampa and on the campus of the University of South Florida. The TampaTreeMap is based on open source software that originated from the Urban Forest Map project in San Francisco and was subsequently developed by Azavea, a Philadelphia-based software design and development firm.
Équité environnementale et distribution spatiale de la végétation dans et autour les îlots résidentiels à Montréal : une double iniquité?
Apparicio, P., Séguin, A., Pham, T., &
Landry, S.M. (2013). Équité environnementale et distribution spatiale de la végétation dans et autour les îlots résidentiels à Montréal : une double iniquité?
Cahiers de géographie du Québec,
57(161), 215-237.
Using net wetland loss, current wetland condition, and planned future watershed condition for wetland conservation planning and prioritization
Rains, M.C.,
Landry, S.M., Rains, K.C., Seidel, V., &
Crisman, T. (2013). Using net wetland loss, current wetland condition, and planned future watershed condition for wetland conservation planning and prioritization.
33(5), 949-963.
Predictors of the distribution of street and backyard vegetation in Montreal, Canada
Pham, T., Apparicio, P.,
Landry, S.M., Séguin, A., & Gagnon, M. (2013). Predictors of the distribution of street and backyard vegetation in Montreal, Canada.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,
12(1), 18-27.
A protocol for improving mapping and assessing of seagrass abundance along the West Central Coast of Florida using Landsat TM and EO-1ALI/Hyperion images
Pu, R., & Bell, S. (2013). A protocol for improving mapping and assessing of seagrass abundance along the West Central Coast of Florida using Landsat TM and EO-1ALI/Hyperion images. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 83, 116-129.
Evolution of the oxbow morphology of the Caloosahatchee River in South Florida
Delhomme, C.,
Alsharif, K., & Capece, J. (2013). Evolution of the oxbow morphology of the Caloosahatchee River in South Florida.
Applied Geography,
39, 104-117.
The Effectiveness of Water Irrigation Policies for Residential Turfgrass
Lin, O., &
Alsharif, K. (2013). The Effectiveness of Water Irrigation Policies for Residential Turfgrass.
Land Use Policy,
31, 378-384.
Lake Performance Differences in Response to Land Use and Water Quality: A Data Envelopment Analysis
Alsharif, K., & Fouad, G. (2012). Lake Performance Differences in Response to Land Use and Water Quality: A Data Envelopment Analysis.
Lake and Reservoir Management,
28(2), 130-141.
Assessing sustainability of community management of rural water systems in the developing world
Schweitzer, R.W., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2012). Assessing sustainability of community management of rural water systems in the developing world.
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development,
2(1), 20-30. doi: 10.2166/washdev.2012.056
Discrimination of seagrass species and cover classes with in situ hyperspectral data
Pu, R., Bell, S., Bagget, L., Meyer, C., & Zhao, Y. (2012). Discrimination of seagrass species and cover classes with in situ hyperspectral data. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(6), 1330-1344.
Comparative treatment performance and hydraulic characteristics of pumice and sand biofilters for point-of-use water treatment
Ghebremichael, K., Wassala, L., Kennedy, M., & Graham, N. (2012). Comparative treatment performance and hydraulic characteristics of pumice and sand biofilters for point-of-use water treatment.
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology- AQUA,
6(4), 201-209.
Spatial distribution of vegetation in Montreal: An uneven distribution or environmental inequity?
Pham, T., Apparicio, P., Séguin, A.,
Landry, S.M., & Gagnon, M. (2012). Spatial distribution of vegetation in Montreal: An uneven distribution or environmental inequity?
Landscape and Urban Planning,
107(3), 214-224.
A comparative analysis of high spatial resolution IKONOS and WorldView-2 imagery for mapping urban tree species
Pu, R., &
Landry, S.M. (2012). A comparative analysis of high spatial resolution IKONOS and WorldView-2 imagery for mapping urban tree species.
Remote Sensing of Environment,
124, 516-533.
Prioritizing Habitat Restoration Goals in the Tampa Bay Watershed
Landry, S.M., Seidel, V., &
Crisman, T. (2012).
Prioritizing Habitat Restoration Goals in the Tampa Bay Watershed. Tampa, FL: Tampa Bay Estuary Program.
This report summarizes ecological, hydrological, econometric and GIS analyses of freshwater wetland habitats in the Tampa Bay Estuary Program's study area. It maps historical changes from 1950-2007, identifies changes in quality and function of wetland habitats, describes tools developed to assess wetland quality, and describes the results obtained by using the assessment tools. Econometric modeling was employed to assess economic viability of future restoration/mitigation/preservation targets.
Efficient algorithms for modeling the transport and biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes in groundwater
Mendoza-Sanchez, I., & Cunningham J.A. (2012). Efficient algorithms for modeling the transport and biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes in groundwater. Transport in Porous Media, 92(1), 165-185. doi: 10.1007/s11242-011-9896-5
Accessibility and Usability: Green Space Preferences, Perceptions, and Barriers in a Rapidly Urbanizing City in Latin America
Wright Wendel, H.E.,
Zarger, R.A., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2012). Accessibility and Usability: Green Space Preferences, Perceptions, and Barriers in a Rapidly Urbanizing City in Latin America.
Landscape and Urban Planning,
107(3), 272-282. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.06.003
sought to determine whether certain sectors of the urban population have access to green space in close proximity of their homes and localized patterns of use in (municipal) urban parks and neighborhood parks. Results highlight the potential importance of designing green spaces to serve as equalizers in urban areas characterized by social and spatial inequalities.
Seagrass Scar Imaging Project Report: Cockroach Bay Seagrass Scar Tracking Project
Eilers, D. (2011).
Seagrass Scar Imaging Project Report: Cockroach Bay Seagrass Scar Tracking Project. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida.
This report documents the methods employed and results obtained to identify and quantify and quantify motor boat propellor scars in seagrass beds, using side scanning sonar equipment deployed in small watercraft.
Charlotte Harbor Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2011). Charlotte Harbor Water Atlas.
This interactive web-based atlas is an information gateway for citizens interested in the health of the Charlotte Harbor watershed, which encompasses all or part of seven counties and stretches from coastal Lee County north and east to include part of Polk County. Its geographic coverage includes the study area of the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program, a regional alliance that is part of the US Environmental Protection Agency's National Estuary Program.
Object-based urban detailed land cover classification with high spatial resolution IKONOS imagery
Pu, R.,
Landry, S.M., &
Qiuyah, Y. (2011). Object-based urban detailed land cover classification with high spatial resolution IKONOS imagery.
International Journal of Remote Sensing,
32(12), 3285-3308.
The impact of land development regulation on residential tree cover: An empirical evaluation using high-resolution IKONOS imagery
Landry, S.M., & Pu, R. (2010). The impact of land development regulation on residential tree cover: An empirical evaluation using high-resolution IKONOS imagery.
Landscape and Urban Planning,
94(2), 94-104.
Construction and Stormwater Pollution: Policy, Violations, and Penalties
Alsharif, K. (2010). Construction and Stormwater Pollution: Policy, Violations, and Penalties.
Land Use Policy,
27(2), 612-616.
Use of Side-scanning Sonar Equipment to Image Physical Impacts of Recreational Boating on Seagrass Beds in Cockroach Bay, Florida
Eilers, D.,
Griffin, J., & University of South Florida. (2010).
Use of Side-scanning Sonar Equipment to Image Physical Impacts of Recreational Boating on Seagrass Beds in Cockroach Bay, Florida. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida.
Project report describing the equipment, procedures, benefits, and limitations of a technique to add side-scanning sonar during bathymetry collection to detect and map seagrass scars in Cockroach Bay, in Lower Tampa Bay.
Effect of pore velocity on the biodegradation of cis-dichloroethene (DCE) in column experiments
Mendoza-Sanchez, I., Autenrieth R.L., McDonald, T.J., & Cunningham J.A. (2010). Effect of pore velocity on the biodegradation of cis-dichloroethene (DCE) in column experiments. Biodegradation, 21(3), 365-377. doi: 10.1007/s10532-009-9307-6
Alabama Plant Atlas
University of South Florida. (2010). Alabama Plant Atlas.
The Alabama Plant Atlas is a joint effort by the Alabama Herbarium Consortium (AHC) and The University of West Alabama to provide users with a comprehensive searchable database of plants that occur in the state of Alabama. It provides a source of information for each species including the distribution within the state using historical and recent data.
Hillsborough River Watershed Alliance Website
University of South Florida. (2009). Hillsborough River Watershed Alliance Website.
This sub-site is part of the Hillsborough County & City of Tampa Water Atlas, and has information pertaining to the HRWA and its Frog Listening Network project, including a calendar, newsletters, sponsor list, and information about the watershed. (NOTE: The HRWA sub-site was moved to the Tampa Bay Water Atlas in 2015 upon the closing of the Hillsborough County Water Atlas.)
Field Guide in Environmental Engineering for Development Workers: Water, Sanitation, Indoor Air
Mihelcic, J.R., Myre, E.A., Fry, L.M., Phillips, L.D., & Barkdoll, B.D. (2009).
Field Guide in Environmental Engineering for Development Workers: Water, Sanitation, Indoor Air. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Press.
Combined natural organic and synthetic inorganic coagulants for surface water treatment
Ghebremichael, K., Abaliwano, J., & Amy, G.L. (2009). Combined natural organic and synthetic inorganic coagulants for surface water treatment.
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA,
58(4), 267-276.
A Report on the City of Tampa's Existing and Possible Urban Tree Canopy
Landry, S.M., Andreu, M.G., Friedman, M.H., & Northrop, R.J. (2009).
A Report on the City of Tampa's Existing and Possible Urban Tree Canopy. Tampa, FL: City of Tampa.
The analysis of Tampa’s existing and possible urban tree canopy was completed as a follow-up to the City of Tampa Urban Ecological Analysis conducted in 2006-2007. Our goal was to leverage the high resolution geospatial datasets developed during the Urban Ecological Analysis to compute UTC metrics at the parcel level and summarize this information both by land use and by spatial distribution.
Broadleaf Species Recognition with In Situ Hyperspectral Data
Pu, R. (2009). Broadleaf Species Recognition with In Situ Hyperspectral Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(11), 2759-2779.
Street trees and equity: evaluating the spatial distribution of an urban amenity
Landry, S.M., & Chakraborty, J. (2009). Street trees and equity: evaluating the spatial distribution of an urban amenity.
Environment and Planning A,
41(11), 2651-2670.
Spectral Mixture Analysis for Mapping Abundance of Urban Surface Components from the Terra/ASTER Data
Pu, R., Gong, P., Michishita, R., & Sasagawa, T. (2008). Spectral Mixture Analysis for Mapping Abundance of Urban Surface Components from the Terra/ASTER Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 939-954.
City of Tampa Urban Ecological Analysis 2006-2007: Final Report to the City of Tampa, April 24, 2008
Andreu, M.G., Friedman, M.H.,
Landry, S.M., & Northrop, R.J. (2008).
City of Tampa Urban Ecological Analysis 2006-2007: Final Report to the City of Tampa, April 24, 2008. Tampa, FL: City of Tampa.
Through a collaborative effort that involved the University of Florida, the University of South Florida, and the Hillsborough County Extension, an extensive inventory of Tampa’s urban forest was undertaken and analyzed during 2007. The inventory provided baseline information on location, composition, structure, and health while the analysis determined ecological function and economic value.
Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Muga, H.E., &
Mihelcic, J.R. (2008). Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment Technologies.
Journal of Environmental Management,
88, 437-447.
Orange County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2008). Orange County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Volusia County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2008). Volusia County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Governance of Water Supply Systems in the Palestinian Territories: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach to the Management of Water Resources
Alsharif, K., Feroz, E., Klemer, A., & Raab, R. (2008). Governance of Water Supply Systems in the Palestinian Territories: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach to the Management of Water Resources.
Journal of Environmental Management,
87(1), 80-94.
Pinellas County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2007). Pinellas County Water Atlas.
This interactive web-based atlas provides information on local water resources, watershed planning, environmental events, a "watershed excursion" feature, and school curriculum. Supplemental sponsorship funding has come from the Pinellas County Environmental Foundation and the Florida Department of Transportation.
Florida Atlas of Lakes
University of South Florida. (2007). Florida Atlas of Lakes.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Development and Analysis of a 12-year Daily 1-km Forest Fire Data across the North America from NOAA/AVHRR Data
Li, Z., Gong, P., Csiszar, I., Fraser, R., Hao, W.M., Kondragunta, S., & Weng, F. (2007). Development and Analysis of a 12-year Daily 1-km Forest Fire Data across the North America from NOAA/AVHRR Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 108, 198-208.
Manatee County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2007). Manatee County Water Atlas.
This interactive web-based atlas is designed to provide residents, visitors, and businesses with an easy-to-use tool to access information about the area's water resources. It is suitable for all ages and interest levels, a science-oriented resource that can be utilized by families, students, and professionals.
Efficient algorithm for modeling transport in porous media with mass exchange between mobile fluid and reactive stationary media
Mendoza-Sanchez, I., & Cunningham J.A. (2007). Efficient algorithm for modeling transport in porous media with mass exchange between mobile fluid and reactive stationary media. Transport in Porous Media, 68(3), 285-300. doi: 10.1007/s11242-006-9047-6
Equivalence of two models for biodegradation during contaminant transport in groundwater
Cunningham J.A., & Mendoza-Sanchez, I. (2006). Equivalence of two models for biodegradation during contaminant transport in groundwater. Water Resources Research, 42(2). doi: 10.1029/ 2005WR004205
Assessment of Multi-Resolution and Multi-Sensor Data for Urban Surface Temperature Retrieval
Pu, R., Gong, P., Michishita, R., & Sasagawa, T. (2006). Assessment of Multi-Resolution and Multi-Sensor Data for Urban Surface Temperature Retrieval. Remote Sensing of Environment, 104, 211-225.
A simple purification and activity assay of the coagulant protein from Moringa oleifera seed
Ghebremichael, K., Gunaratna, K. R., Henriksson, H., Brumer, H., & Dalhammar, G. (2005). A simple purification and activity assay of the coagulant protein from Moringa oleifera seed.
Water Research,
39(11), 2338-2344.
Tampa Bay Estuary Atlas
University of South Florida. (2005). Tampa Bay Estuary Atlas.
This interactive web-based atlas is an information gateway for citizens interested in the health of Tampa Bay, Florida's largest open-water estuary. Its geographic coverage includes the study area of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, a regional alliance that is part of the US Environmental Protection Agency's National Estuary Program.
Sarasota County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2004). Sarasota County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Tampa Shoreline Restoration Initiative
University of South Florida. (2004). Tampa Shoreline Restoration Initiative.
This document is meant to serve as a guide to prioritizing and targeting resources to restore the shoreline owned by Tampa's citizens through the City park system.
Wavelet transform applied to EO-1 hyperspectral data for forest LAI and crown closure mapping
Gong, P. (2004). Wavelet transform applied to EO-1 hyperspectral data for forest LAI and crown closure mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment, 91, 212-224.
University of South Florida. (2004). PlantAtlas.org.
This is a gateway website that provides access to the Florida, Alabama, and New York online Plant Atlases. These atlases are a source of information useful to anyone who has the need to know the distribution of plants within one of these states.
New York Flora Atlas
University of South Florida. (2004). New York Flora Atlas.
The New York Flora Atlas is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant habitats, associated ecological communities, and taxonomy. In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant.
Sustainability Science and Engineering: Emergence of a New Metadiscipline
Mihelcic, J.R., Crittenden, J.C., Small, M.J., Shonnard, D.R., Hokanson, D.R., Zhang, Q., Chen. H., Sorby, S.A., James, V.U., Sutherland, J.W., & Schnoor, J.L. (2003). Sustainability Science and Engineering: Emergence of a New Metadiscipline.
Environmental Science & Technology,
37(23), 5314-5324.
Hillsborough Community Atlas
(2002). Hillsborough Community Atlas.
The Hillsborough Community Atlas is a website that presents quality-assured data and information concerning community conditions in a format that the public can easily access and understand. Information is presented by community/neighborhood along with detailed explanations of what agency provides the data or service, what the data means, and why it is important.
Community Atlas Website
University of South Florida. (2002). Community Atlas Website.
This is the "umbrella website" established for the Community Atlas program under development at the Florida Center for Community Design and Research. At present there is only one Community Atlas site. It was created for Hillsborough County and sponsored by the Children's Board of Hillsborough County.
Lake County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2002). Lake County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Polk County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (2002). Polk County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Atlas of Florida Plants
University of South Florida. (1999). Atlas of Florida Plants.
The Atlas of Florida Plants provides users with a comprehensive searchable database of vascular plants in the State of Florida. Florida, with over 4,200 species of native or naturalized ferns and seed plants, is the third most floristically diverse state in the United States.
Seminole County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (1999). Seminole County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
City of Tampa Urban Ecological Analysis 1975-1996
Campbell, K., &
Landry, S.M. (1999).
City of Tampa Urban Ecological Analysis 1975-1996. Tampa, FL: City of Tampa.
The Urban Ecological Analysis quantified how Tampa's tree canopy has changed over time, modeled the effects of the forest on the local ecology, and assessed the economic impact of the forest.
University of South Florida. (1997). WaterAtlas.org.
This is the web portal that provides access to all of the Water Atlas websites. Each Water Atlas is a website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Hillsborough County Water Atlas
University of South Florida. (1997). Hillsborough County Water Atlas.
A website that helps communities to make informed decisions by providing up-to-date information on our vital water resources.
Hillsborough County Lake and Stream Assessments
(). Hillsborough County Lake and Stream Assessments.
This webpage on the Tampa Bay Water Atlas lists lake and stream assessments performed by Water Institute staff from 1997 until the present.
Whither the US National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan?
Torres, H., Muller-Karger, F., Keys, D., Thornton, H., Luther, M., &
Alsharif, K.. Whither the US National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan?
Marine Policy ,
53, 198-212. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.11.013
INVITED COMMENTARY: Geographically isolated wetlands are part of the hydrological landscape
Leibowitz, S.G., Cohen, M.J., Creed, I.F., Golden, H.E., Jawitz, J.W., Kalla, P., Lane, C.R., Lang, M.W., & McLaughlin, D.L.. INVITED COMMENTARY: Geographically isolated wetlands are part of the hydrological landscape. Hydrological Processes, 30, 153-160. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10610